Stool test codes

Traditional culture methods have been replaced by Real Time PCR for enteric pathogen testing. The benefits are increased sensitivity and a higher detection rate. Once received and processed in the microbiology laboratory, negative results will be available within 24 hours. Positive results will be followed up with culture and sensitivities for final reporting.

Stool OCP and Culture


Please request as PENT

Sample type



Serosep EntericBio PCR

Bacteria/Bacterial Toxins: Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, VTEC

Parasites: Cryptosporidium, Giardia


All stool samples will be tested for UK Pathogens.

Overseas pathogens will only be tested if specifically requested and travel history and clinical details are provided. Samples that are positive for the bacterial pathogens will be cultured to provide sensitivities and, if indicated, for PHE referral.

Samples will be kept for 7 days after receipt to allow for additional testing if required.


Stool for OCP 


Please request as OCP

Sample type



Requests for OCP only will include testing for cryptosporidium and giardia by PCR.


Overseas pathogens will only be tested if requested and travel history and clinical details are provided.


C. Difficile detection


Please request as CLOS

Sample type



Serosep Enteric Bio PCR 

Alere Techlab EIA (Toxin)


Change to PCR and Elisa methods.

Two tier PCR & Toxin c. diff screening based on PHE guidance. Improved sensitivity and specificity for both targets tested.

Primary c. diff gene screening using Enteric Bio PCR.

Secondary sequential testing using Alere EIA to confirm Toxin.

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