Vaccinations and Immunisations

We offer a full range of vaccinations and immunisations for babies, children and adults.
This includes several vaccinations that are not routinely available, such as BCG (tuberculosis), Meningitis ACWY, chickenpox and shingles vaccines.

Full range of standard baby and infant vaccinations available for the UK, French and USA immunisation schedules for infants and children of all ages, plus the following:

Other Vaccinations:

Travel vaccinations are also available including yellow fever vaccine

Travel Clinic — Vaccines and Medications

Everyone loves going on holiday… but everyone hates being ill on holiday.
Whether you’re planning the trip of a lifetime or a short hop abroad, don’t forget the travel health essentials.
Most destinations will need either the necessary vaccinations or medications (e.g. malaria tablets), all of which we fully asses and provide for the entire family.
TravelHealthPro is an excellent resource for finding out what your destination requires.
Our clinic is also a registered yellow fever vaccination centre (YFVC) so I can fulfil this and all certificate requirements.
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